This was a great surprise tonight to find this award. I received this from one of my first followers, Audrey at Cute and Some. I'm supposed to give 6 truths or vice-versas about myself. Let's see if anyone can guess what is a truth or a vice-versa!1. I am an identical twin! My mother actually had 2 sets of twins! My older twin sisters were born 10 years before me and my twin Kelley.2. I have 6 grand-daughters and no grand sons.3. I have NEVER been to a crop or a swarm!4. In the last week I increased my Cricut cartridge library from 12 to 25 and I'm buying one more tonight....Tags, Bags, Boxes and More! It's retired and I don't have it. Found a great deal at My first husband was on a plane that was highjacked to Cuba in 1983. Luckily no one was hurt. It was the only Cuban highjacking by an American.6. I've worked in the Telecom industry since 1989.
Believe it or not it was hard for me to come up with 6 facts about me that I thought might be interesting! LOL
It was fun though! Thank you Audrey for thinking of me!